Pintail Ltd is a professional services company, founded in 2001 in Blackrock, Co. Dublin.

Established 2001.

The company was established by its current management team, Ciarán Clissmann and Michelle Dempsey, following ten years of EU project experience in Ireland and two years working in Brussels for the Commission. Some 75% of current company activity is in EU proposals and project management, business consultancy, project monitoring and evaluation, with the remainder in national and charity-funded projects and in research consultancy. The company employs seven people.

Pintail focuses on securing and managing projects funded by competitive public programmes, most notably the EU Horizon 2020 programme but also all other EU programmes,  national agencies (e.g. SFI, Innovate UK, NIH), and charities (CRUK, Wellcome Trust) . The company has established an excellent reputation for close, effective collaboration with research principals and has an exceptional track record in securing research funding and supporting researchers in the management and delivery of funded projects.

Confidentiality: Working as we do with many potentially-competing organisations on a day to day basis, confidentiality and a professional approach to your plans, your data and our shared activities are fundamental to the way that we work. We are happy to sign any form of NDA or confidentiality agreement that the client wishes – but in the absence of such documentation we remain sensitive to your need for discretion.

Our client list includes Intel Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin, National University of Ireland, Galway, the University of Limerick,  the Max Planck Society, University College London, the Universities of Copenhagen, Glasgow and Birmingham, Université Catholique de Louvain, RCSI, the Insight Centre for Data Analytics, the iForm Centre for Advanced Manufacturing, Lero – the Irish Centre for Software Engineering, IFIP (the International Federation for Information Processing), and many more. Our partner portfolio, across our dozens of EU projects, exceeds 200 leading European and international universities and companies.

Tax, VAT, Registration

Pintail Ltd is 100% tax compliant. A full Tax Clearance Certificate can be furnished on request.

Pintail Ltd is registered for VAT (VAT Reg. No. IE6369091R).

Pintail Ltd is a privately owned limited company, registered in Ireland (Company Reg. No. 349091), with directors Ciaran Clissmann and Michelle Dempsey

77 Springhill Ave.
Co. Dublin

Email: ciaran.clissmann@pintail.eu

Phone: +353 1 2899529